Nuisance Task Force Goals

The goals of the Nuisance Task Force are as follows:

  1. Create a system to document, track and report on nuisance properties;
  2. Research and document best practices to address nuisance properties;
  3. Develop and implement strategies for nuisance abatement that are individually tailored to targeted nuisance property;    
  4. Meet with and assist owners, neighbors and interested parties of nuisance properties in abating the nuisances;    
  5. Request prosecution for those liable for nuisance properties who fail or refuse to abate nuisances;    
  6. Facilitate the transfer of abandoned or otherwise severely neglected properties to responsible owners;    
  7. Identify potential urban redevelopment and neighborhood revitalization opportunities and to facilitate the coordinated and efficient realization of these opportunities;    
  8. Provide multilingual community education and awareness with respect to foreclosure, nuisance avoidance and abatement, responsible ownership, and landlord-tenant relations;
  9. Complete a comprehensive review, identify improvements and propose revisions of city ordinances; and
  10. Improve the overall quality of housing stock and quality of life in the neighborhoods in the City of Central Falls.